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Good Football Fans Deserve Good Holidays

Good Football Fans Deserve Good Holidays

18.07.2006, 18:55
[IMG=20466-6208] After the Football World Cup Germany is marked with the booming sales of last-minute tours, FVW reported referring to the statistics of tour operator Oger Tours. At the moment the tourist flow from Germany to Turkey is around 8% less than last year. However, the sales tempo is so high that German travel companies do not doubt they will compensate for the unsuccessful start of the season. For example, Oger Tours do not accept bookings until for the end of July and the period of autumn holidays is on the verge of stop sale. Meanwhile, the Russian market is not experiencing similar sales boom stimulated by the end of the World Cup. Thus, a representative of Pegas Touristik said to a BANKO correspondent, that there is some increase of sales but it is stimulated by the end of exams in schools and universities. ‘At present we book for July and August, it is too early for September bookings. In general the situation is progressively stable’, commented a representative of Pegas Touristik. Furthermore, Roman Ribakov, PR Director of TEZ TOUR, pointed out: ‘now the sales depth is two weeks. Tourists from regions stimulate the increase of sales, while the Moscow market has stabilized’. He also added that current prices for tour packages are in general at the level of 2005. Meanwhile, experts explain the current sales boom in Germany by the fact that the Football World Cup was held on the German territory. As a result, many potential tourists preferred to support the teams and to postpone their holidays. ‘They could not leave the country, now they deserve good holidays’, commented Gennady Kosarev, General Director of Fresh Travel.
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