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Barcelona: Consequences Of The Strike

Barcelona: Consequences Of The Strike

31.07.2006, 16:44
[IMG=20590-6376] The strike initiated by ground staff of Barcelona Airport on July 28th resulted into tense situation at the weekend despite the strike was called off by Saturday. The ground services of the airport had a double workload. The main problems referred to registration for flights from Barcelona and luggage for arrived passengers. According to an information source in Spain, passengers of one of the Russian flights had to spend a night at the airport – they received their luggage only six hours after arrival. Furthermore, on Saturday even several fights were witnessed at the airport. Administration of the airport called the police to establish order. It is important that representatives of incoming companies tried to stabilize the situation. ‘Our tourists leaving for Russia was transferred to the Airport later – considering the delay’, said an anonymous expert in the interview to a BANKO correspondent. He added that at the moment the situation has normalized: all tourists are transferred to either Spanish resorts or back home. Experts point out that a strike with such consequences will hardly repeat. Its initiators have already reached their goals – negotiations are being held.
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