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Will A Charter Flight To Sicily From Ekaterinburg Be A Success

Will A Charter Flight To Sicily From Ekaterinburg Be A Success

07.06.2006, 16:59
[IMG=20047-5813]Ekaterinburg became the first Russian region from where it is planned to operate charter flights to Sicily. Thus, Marina Nikitenko, the Head of the Italian Department of PAC Group, commented on the charter launch from Ekaterinburg: ‘Ekaterinburg market capacity is the third after Moscow and St. Petersburg, therefore, the charter to Sicily can be a success. Moreover, at the moment charters to Rimini are realized from Ekaterinburg, thus, the new initiative will contribute to the assortment extension’. Furthermore, Olga Svyatkovskaya, the Head of PAC Group Office in Ekaterinburg, agreed: ‘the present situation, when the regional market is tired of Turkey and the increase in demand for Italy is evident, favors to a launch of a charter flight to Sicily. Flights will be operated each 10-11 days starting from June 21st’. Meanwhile, Natalia Shaligina from the Italian Department of Intourline-99 (Ekaterinburg), stated as follows: ‘there is always a risk that the low demand for a destination will result into flight cancellation. Italy is popular in the Ekaterinburg market but Sicily is quite expensive. For example, last year flights to Genoa were cancelled owing the high cost of tours. We prefer to avoid risk by sending tourists by flights from Moscow on Mondays and Thursdays’.
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