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Naples Might Experience the Excess of Flights

Naples Might Experience the Excess of Flights

27.02.2006, 19:11
   On February 27th BANKO found out the situation on the Italian destination before the season start.
   Travel market players plan a certain growth in tourist flow considering the dynamics of last years. According to Evgenia Zakharova, General Director of Yuzhel & Co, optimism of the travel market can be explained by the demand for winter programs. Ilya Itkin, the Head of PAC Group, agrees pointing out that the increase in tourist flow to Italy will be stimulated by tourists from Russian regions, for example, Ekaterinburg, from where the operator planned a charter program to Rimini. This Italian resort is the most popular at the moment among Russian tourists, however, travel market players plan to develop other destinations that can be perspective for excursion and beach tours, Naples, in particular. According to experts, new season start will be marked with the launch of around five charter programs, while last year only two charters flied at the beginning of the season. Considering the fact that starting from April 29th Italian Airline Company Eurofly will launch regular flights at the weekends, Naples might experience the excess of flights.
   BANKO will continue watching the development of events.

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