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Krasnodar Authorities Plan to Lease Local Beaches

Krasnodar Authorities Plan to Lease Local Beaches

28.02.2006, 18:31
   Recently the issue that generated great interest in mass media was the decision of Krasnodar Region to lease the Black Sea beaches followed by tender which was announced in February. Vladimir Voichenko said in the interview to a BANKO correspondent that this decision will contribute into the resolution of the problem of the region – dirty beaches.
   Meanwhile, experts divided opinions regarding the perspectives of the program pointing out its main disadvantage – possibility to make a rental contract only for a year. After a year a special commission will evaluate the results according to which it will decide weather to prolong contracts.
    Krasnodar travel companies interviewed by a BANKO correspondent demonstrate enthusiasm towards the initiative of local authorities hoping that businessmen who will rent Krasnodar beaches plan long-term investments.

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