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What Will Be The Consequences Of Increase In Flights To Sicily And Sardinia?

What Will Be The Consequences Of Increase In Flights To Sicily And Sardinia?

24.03.2006, 19:00
   On March 23rd a BANKO correspondent found out that this summer the leading market players expect increase in air traffic volume to the Italian islands. Travel market is especially concerned about flights to Sicily. Although charter programs are not completely formed yet, experts forecast excess of flights to the destination – three weekly flights from Moscow were added. On one hand Natalie Tours launches its own charter flight by Sibir Tu-154 to Catania. On the other hand, Tris T together with PAС Group plan to launch three weekly flights to Catania and Palermo: two by KD-Avia Boeings and by Eurofly A-320.
   The consolidators make optimistic forecasts: ‘the market is increasing and Italy is becoming more and more popular. Besides Sicily has always been in very high demand’, said Natalia Chuvilkina, PR Director Deputy of Natalie Tours. As for Tris T, they plan to launch a year round flight starting from March 27th. ‘It is always warm there and in winter we can organize excursion tours’, said Svetlana Bashkirtseva, Director of Tris T. However, the issue that generates the interest behind the scenes is that such a situation is a result of the most ambitious travel market players’ behavior. Nevertheless, tourist flow to Sicily cannot be considered massive. ‘Sicily will never become as popular as Rimini’, stated Maria Alexandrova, the Head of Tourism Department of Tourparade. Travel market players forecast that possible excess of flights might result in dumping prices and special offers from tour operating companies.
    Furthermore, Tourparade together with Jet Travel intend to continue one charter program to Cagliari and one to Olbia where Ascent Travel plan to join the players who explain their ambitions by the fact that Sardinia itself is interested in attraction tourists from Russia. In particular, it is proved by Mrs De Pau – Minister of Tourism of Italy – visit to Moscow. Meanwhile, experts admit that travel market players will face the problem of shortage of hotel rooms, which are actively booked by Italian travel companies.

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