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The Czech Republic: Sales Slowdown

The Czech Republic: Sales Slowdown

07.11.2006, 17:07
[IMG=21419-7266]At the beginning of November inexpensive tour packages to Czech Republic appeared in the market. The lowest price level is 279 Euros. According to experts, it hardly covers a return flight to Padrubice. The current situation is explained by a seasonal drop in demand for the destination that usually occurs between November holidays and the New Year period. A representative of the European Department of Neva Travel Company commented as follows: ‘we attract tourists by lower rates at low season that engenders the profitability of our charter’. However, Sergey Burakov, Director of the Transport Department of Neva Travel Company, pointed out that the flights on November 12th and 19th are 75% booked. Representatives of Lanta-tour Voyage that also consolidates a charter flight to Padrubice agreed that flights could be operated at higher capacity. Tatiana Korshunova, Development Vice President of Lanta-tour Voyage emphasized: ‘current dates are not well booked; while we observe active sales for the New Year period that is a traditional situation’. Meanwhile, travel market experts say that excess of flights on the route is not that considerable to offer dumping prices. ‘By the end of November the situation should normalize therefore selling at dumping prices is not reasonable at the moment’, Korshunova said. Furthermore, experts do not explain excess of flights by the increase in a number of scheduled flights to the Czech Republic. ‘As soon as sales stabilize scheduled flights will be helpful’.
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