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The 8th of March Divided The Week

The 8th of March Divided The Week

27.02.2006, 19:06
   Tour operating companies that specialize in the Russian market do not demonstrate enthusiasm regarding the coming Women’s Day (March 8th) as according to companies interviewed by a BANKO correspondent sales level for this period is not very high.
   On the one hand, drop in demand is explained by the fact that this year Women’s Day is celebrated in the middle of the week, on Wednesday, which makes it difficult for people to prolong the weekend. On the other hand, Sergey Romashkin, Director of Dolphin Travel Company, pointed out another reason – cold weather in Russia. Other travel market players find the reason for tourist apathy in too long New Year period after which tourists prefer to have a break.
   Meanwhile, outcoming companies outline the demand for a week tours involving the 8th of March. Oksana Lokteva, PR Director Deputy of Lanta-tour Voyage, gave an example – a tour to Prague with a flight on March 5th.

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