[IMG=20879-6704]The issue that generates the great interest among travel companies of the Urals region is the start of the new season that is to be marked with a launch two charter programs: to India and Hainan (China). The flights are initiated by Moscow tour operating companies – Pegas Touristik and Bureau South Cross that have not revealed the details of their programs yet. Thus, Anna Podgornaya, Tourism Director of Pegas Touristik, commented as follows: ‘Flights to Goa can be discussed in detail only after certain contracts are signed’. Furthermore, Andrey Kuznetsov, General Director of Bureau South Cross, stated: ‘we will probably launch a charter to Hainan from Ekaterinburg, but the final decision has not been taken yet’.
Meanwhile, travel companies of the region forecast a successful debut for the destinations. Olga Svechkova, Vice-president of Fund of the World (Ekaterinburg), said: ‘if tour operators offer good rates flights will be run at full capacity. The wider the assortment, the better’. Nevertheless, travel market experts point out unavoidable change of tourists’ preferences towards the new destinations. Two new ‘exotic’ charters will primarily affect Thailand to where three charter programs were operated last year. In 2005-2006 Thailand was the second popular destination in the Ekaterinburg market after Egypt. Alexander Chirkov, Director of Intourline, emphasized: ‘Goa and Hainan are not less attractive destinations. Besides, they are new in the market and are in the same price niche with Thailand’.
However, according to travel market players Egypt will hardly lose its leading positions in the region. ‘Low prices for our tourists is one of the main factors. In this respect Egypt is unrivaled’, said Chirkov. Pegas Touristik confirmed the forecasts planning the increase of frequency of winter charters from Ekaterinburg to Hurgada and Sharm-el-Sheikh from to two to three times per week (Boeing – 757, VIM-avia).