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Cyprus In The Gap

Cyprus In The Gap

29.06.2006, 13:20
According to experts interviewed by a BANKO correspondent, Cyprus destination is marked with a sales slowdown. As a result special offers appeared on the market: ‘For example, a 7-day tour with accommodation in a 2* hotel is available for 270 Euro with a ticket cost being 200 Euro’, said General Director Deputy of Zeus Travel, Revaz Mgeladze. Furthermore, General Director Deputy of Super Nova, Marina Barinova, pointed out: ‘there is excess of flights to Cyprus at present – I estimate it at around 200 seats per week’. ‘Last week was unsuccessful for everybody’, said Alexey Sokolov, the Head of Cyprus Department of ICS Travel Group. ‘Some flights had to be combined that helped the market’, added Mgeladze. Thus, according to experts, Vesma Tour Operator canceled two flights to Cyprus by KD-avia Boeing – 737 and used blocks of Super Nova on a flight by VIM-avia. As a result air traffic volume to Cyprus is 2, 740 seats per week, which is slightly different from the figures of season 2005 - 2650 seats per week. Tour operators emphasized that drop in demand for Cyprus is typical for the second half of June, however, they can not explain it. ‘it is a tendency for all destinations: starting from June 20th there is a “gap” in demand until the end of the month’, said Alexey Sokolov. Meanwhile, travel companies believe the situation will stabilize at the beginning of July. ‘I think sales will normalize for flights on July 7th and 9th’, believes Sokolov. ‘The situation might stabilize next week. At the moment there are bookings for July and August’, said Marina Barinova. Furthermore, among other tendencies of the season travel market players point out increase in demand for Agia-Napa. ‘Every year Agia-Napa resorts attract more and more tourists. At the moment Agia – Napa and Limassol are in equal demand on the Russian market’, said Sokolov. ‘Agia-Napa is more popular with Russian tourists than last year. I think, the promotion of the region contributed a lot to the growth of demand – the Cyprus Tourist Board made a presentation promoting Agia-Napa as a resort for young people’.
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