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Culmination Of Air Traffic To Bulgaria

Culmination Of Air Traffic To Bulgaria

20.07.2006, 18:00
[IMG=20506-6238]In the middle of July several changes were adopted to the air traffic volume to Bulgaria. Skyway terminated a flight from Moscow to Varna by S7 Airlines on July 24th, while Russian Charter Center terminated one of its charter programs to the same destination (S7 Airlines, Boeing-737). Experts point out that the excess of flights was evident at the beginning of the month but has culminated by the end of July. Tour operators that specialize in the Bulgarian market say that even two cancelled flights could not optimize the situation on the destination in general. The explanation offered behind the scenes of the travel market is the ambitions of flights consolidators. ‘Air traffic volume to Bulgaria in this season is excessive by around 20%’, said Irina Petrova, General Director of Solvex-Travel. On the other hand, many travel market experts agreed that the situation is typical for the end of July. One of the reasons of drop in demand is entrance exams in Universities that affect the tourist flow to Bulgaria as the destination is primarily chosen by students. However, experts point out that the situation did not result into aggressively dumping prices. Thus, Svetlana Moreva, the Head of the Bulgarian Destination of Neva, said: ‘there are tours for 279 Euro with a flight cost being 200 Euro. At least, we do not lose money’. Furthermore, travel market experts forecast that successful sales in August will compensate for July. ‘the hot season will compensate for July. Even now August flights are 80% booked’, said Dmitry Cherepov, Director of Bulgarian Department of CAPITAL TOUR. However, some tour operators are concerned the situation might repeat at the end of August. ‘the end of August might result into the excess odf flights again’, commented Alexander Shirokov, General Director Deputy of Erzog.
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